Unlocking New Frontiers in Drug Discovery


Ensuring successful drug discovery from target identification to market entry remains one of the biggest challenges in the biotech industry. Seeing the need for R&D acceleration strategies, we set out to deploy several unprecedented scale discovery platforms that uniquely bridge pre-clinical and clinical research to deconvolute complex disease networks.
Relying on one of the biggest research and clinical networks for biobanking, sample acquisition, drug repurposing, and accelerated biomarker matching, we are able to support and advance the drug discovery journey for our clients with state-of-the-art bioinformatics and AI-driven network analytics

Decoding the 'small world' of interactions

Complex regulome modelling is made possible with our proprietary graph knowledge base of >20 B documented interactions. We can characterize both targets and diseases from a network-centric perspective

Disease interactome mapping

Generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) enable us to mine clinical datasets (>5 M records of patents, clinical trial results, clinical reports, and annotations) scouting for target-biomarker-disease associations

Druggability assessment

Functional genomics and epigenomics models bridge phenotype-gene networks allowing to identify clinically relevant targets and to accelerate screening by predicting on/off-target effects

AI-driven clinical feature capture

Drug interactions, adverse effects, repurposing, and effector network mapping through our extensive datasets with >50M biological and clinical data points. This ensures disease agnostic approach to capture pathological mechanisms and relevant patient cohorts

Disease-centric biomarker and target discovery

Pharmacogenetic and perturbation modelling using state-of-the-art normal flow and generative models integrates multidimensional clinical spaces (210) for new target and biomarker discovery

Deep Omics-driven pathway deconvolution

Our proprietary discovery platforms cover over 30K diseases with references of gene-to-phenotype, gene-to-disease, and disease-to-phenotype associations which allows unique response engineering and mode of action predictions. Our implemented differential pathway analysis enables complex process comparisons

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